How To Worship God's Way

How To Worship God's Way

In this article, we will explore the different meanings behind the word "praise" and how we can express our love for God through various forms of worship. It is important to understand that praise goes beyond just singing songs or attending church services. God desires our wholehearted devotion and wants us to worship Him with all that we have.

The Different Words for Praise

In the Bible, there are several Hebrew words that are translated as "praise," each with its own unique meaning and expression. Let's take a closer look at these words and what they signify:

  • Halel: This word means to rave, boast, celebrate, and be clamorously foolish. It is where we get the word "hallelujah." When we halel God, we are called to celebrate and boast about Him. It is a joyful and exuberant form of praise.
  • Yadah: This word means to acknowledge God in public. It is not enough for our faith to be private; we are called to let our light shine before others and let them see our good works. When we yadah God, we express our love for Him openly and publicly.
  • Barak: This word means to bless by kneeling or bowing. It is an act of surrender and humility before God. When we barak God, we present ourselves to Him and receive His blessings. It is a posture of receiving from God and acknowledging His authority.
  • Zamar: This word means to make music to God with stringed instruments. It is a form of worship that involves playing instruments and making joyful music to honor God. When we zamar God, we use our talents and gifts to worship Him.
  • Shabach: This word means to shout to God in a loud tone. It is a form of praise that involves clapping hands and shouting with a voice of triumph. When we shabach God, we express our excitement and joy in His presence.
  • Towdah: This word is associated with lifting hands in worship. It signifies reaching out to God, surrendering our lives to Him, and receiving from Him. When we towdah God, we lift our hands in praise and surrender.

Expressing Our Love for God

God desires our wholehearted worship and praise. He wants us to express our love for Him in every aspect of our lives. Here are some ways we can do that:

  1. Publicly acknowledge God: Let others know about your faith and the love you have for God. Don't keep it to yourself; share it with others and be a witness for Him.
  2. Surrender and bow before God: Humble yourself before God and acknowledge His authority in your life. Surrender your will to Him and trust in His plans for you.
  3. Use your talents and gifts: God has given each of us unique talents and gifts. Use them to honor and worship Him. Whether it's playing an instrument, singing, or any other form of creative expression, offer it up to God as an act of worship.
  4. Shout and clap with joy: Don't be afraid to express your excitement and joy in God's presence. Shout, clap your hands, and let your voice be heard as you praise Him with a voice of triumph.
  5. Lift your hands in surrender: Lift your hands as a symbol of surrender and reaching out to God. It is a physical expression of your desire to receive from Him and acknowledge His presence in your life.
  6. Sing exuberantly: When you sing praises to God, do it with all your heart. Let your singing be exuberant and full of joy, knowing that God deserves our best.


Praise is not just a word; it is an expression of our love for God. It goes beyond singing songs or attending church services. God desires our wholehearted devotion and wants us to worship Him with all that we have. Let us express our love for Him through various forms of worship, whether it's through singing, playing instruments, lifting our hands, or shouting with joy. May our worship be a reflection of our deep love and gratitude for all that God has done for us.

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