Seeking & Finding God

Seeking & Finding God

In this article, we will discuss the importance of staying and seeking in the kingdom of God. Often, we can be tempted to move on quickly from one thing to another, but there is great value in staying and seeking God's presence and purpose for our lives.

Staying in the Kingdom

Sometimes, we may feel hesitant to stay and fully engage in the things of God. We may think that it's not our thing or that we're just too shy. However, staying is a kingdom thing. God wants us to put our roots down and be a part of His family and community. Jesus calls us to come down from the treetop and stay with Him. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but the longer we stay, the more our lives will begin to change.

The Importance of Seeking

Just like playing hide and seek, seeking God requires effort and persistence. We need to actively search for Him and His truth in order to find the treasure He has for us. Seeking God means going deeper, excavating the depths of His Word and His kingdom. It means not settling for a surface-level understanding, but truly immersing ourselves in His presence and His ways.

When we seek God with all our heart, we will find Him. He promises that if we diligently seek Him, He will reward us. Seeking God changes our desires and priorities. It aligns our hearts with His and helps us to see ourselves and the world through His eyes.

The Power of Staying and Seeking

In the story of Zacchaeus, we see the power of staying and seeking. Zacchaeus climbed a tree to see Jesus, but Jesus called him down and said, "I must stay at your house today." Jesus saw something in Zacchaeus that others didn't. He saw the potential for transformation and restoration.

As Zacchaeus stayed with Jesus, he began to see himself differently. He realized that he didn't want to live a life of deception and greed. Instead, he wanted to be generous and make things right. The more Zacchaeus sought Jesus, the more he found the Jesus inside of him.

Standing Up and Going All In

When we stay and seek, it eventually leads to standing up and going all in for Jesus. Zacchaeus stood up and declared his commitment to following Jesus. He was willing to make amends and change his ways because he had encountered the love and grace of Jesus.

We, too, are called to stand up and declare our commitment to Jesus. It may require stepping out of our comfort zones, letting go of worldly mindsets, and fully surrendering to Him. But when we do, we will experience the fullness of life that He has for us.


Staying and seeking in the kingdom of God is not always easy, but it is essential for our growth and transformation.

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