Consecration In A Culture Of Compromise

Consecration In A Culture Of Compromise

In this article, we will be discussing the message from this past Sunday about embracing a season of consecration. You can watch the message here. We will explore the importance of consecration in our spiritual lives and how it can lead to a deeper relationship with God. Let's dive in!

Cleansing and Forgiveness

The first step in embracing a season of consecration is to examine our hearts and seek cleansing from any areas of sin or false teaching that may be present in our lives. This could include bitterness, greed, or unhealthy sexual behavior. It is important to ask God for forgiveness and to renounce these behaviors, allowing Him to cleanse us and make us right before Him.

Sacrifice and Dedication

Consecration also involves sacrifice and dedication. It may require giving up certain things in our lives, such as our time, attention, energy, or resources. Just as David Wilkinson gave up two hours of TV time for prayer, we can also make sacrifices in order to seek God more fully. This could mean giving up our Netflix subscription for a few months to dedicate that time to prayer and intercession. It could also mean structuring our days in a way that allows for intentional time with God, rather than collapsing in exhaustion at the end of the day. By dedicating ourselves to seeking God and His kingdom, we open ourselves up to experiencing His presence and seeing His work in our lives.

Seeking God and Pursuing His Word

A season of consecration is an opportunity to seek God with all our hearts and pursue a deeper understanding of His Word. This could involve reading the entire Bible, resolving any questions or doubts we may have about our faith, or discovering and developing our spiritual gifts. Just as we dedicate time and effort to other areas of our lives, such as our careers or saving up for a vacation, we should also dedicate ourselves to taking hold of the eternal life that God offers us.

The Promise of God's Presence

When we consecrate ourselves to God, we can be assured of His presence in our lives. As 2 Corinthians 6:16-18 tells us, God promises to live with us, walk among us, and be our Father. He desires to have a close and intimate relationship with us, but He cannot compromise His holiness. Therefore, He calls us to come out from the world and be separate, purifying ourselves from anything that contaminates our body and spirit. In doing so, we create space for God to work in us and through us.

A Genuine Move of God

We are living in a moment that is ripe for a genuine move of God. While there may be a decline in the world around us, there is also a breathtaking opportunity for God to work in and through His people. However, this move of God is dependent on a consecrated people, those who are willing to fully surrender to Him and His purposes. As a church, we can choose to be that consecrated people, passionately pursuing God and His kingdom. We can choose to be as desperate for our relationship with God as we are for finding someone or advancing in our careers.

Responding to the Call

As a church, we are invited to respond to the call for consecration. We can choose to purify ourselves from anything that contaminates our body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God. We can choose to come out from among the world and be separate, allowing God to walk among us and be our Father. We can choose to consecrate ourselves to God, dedicating our time, energy, and resources to seeking Him and His kingdom.


Embracing a life of consecration is an opportunity for us to deepen our relationship with God and experience His presence in our lives. It requires cleansing and forgiveness, sacrifice and dedication, seeking God and pursuing His Word. It is a call to come out from the world and be separate, creating space for God to work in and through us. Let us respond to this call and consecrate ourselves to God, knowing that He desires to walk among us, be our Father, and release His power and love through us.

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