When You Feel Unseen

When You Feel Unseen

As members of the church, we often find ourselves serving others without receiving the recognition or appreciation we desire. It can be disheartening to feel unnoticed and taken for granted. However, it's important to remember that how others make us feel does not define our worth. In fact, those we serve the most may appreciate us the least. But here's the most significant truth: what's unseen by people is often what's most significant to God.

In a world that celebrates what is visible, God values what is invisible. Jesus taught us this in Matthew 6 when he warned against practicing righteousness to be seen by others. Our acts of love, service, and blessing are not meant for recognition from others, but for the glory of God. When we seek the applause of people, we forfeit the reward from our Heavenly Father.

God sees what is done in secret. He sees the motives of our hearts, the sacrifices of our spirits, and the love we have when we do things that go unnoticed by others. He is the Father who sees. He sees when we serve behind the scenes, when we do the right thing even when it's difficult, and when we continue to serve even when no one else seems to notice. The Father sees our faithfulness and rewards us accordingly.

In a culture that celebrates achievements and milestones that are visible to others, it's easy to overlook the significance of what goes unseen. We congratulate people on their graduations, promotions, and new houses, but we fail to acknowledge the strengthening of their character, the overcoming of addictions, and the forgiveness they extend to others. We prioritize what is seen over what is truly valuable.

But with God, what is invisible is often what is most valuable. He sees the sacrifices we make, the prayers we offer, and the love we show when no one else is watching. He sees when we serve in the church nursery, work a second job to provide for our children, and cry out to Him for provision and healing. The Father sees it all.

It's easy to feel unappreciated when our efforts go unnoticed by others. Our spouses may not notice, our bosses may not seem to care, and our grandkids may take us for granted. But God sees. He sees our every act of service, our every sacrifice, and our every act of love. He sees when no one else does.

And here's the beautiful truth: God is not unjust. He will not forget our work and the love we have shown Him as we have helped His people. He sees it, He remembers it, and He rewards it. Our hope and our reward are found in Him. When we seek first the kingdom of God and put Him first in all that we do, He adds everything else unto us.

So, if you often feel unappreciated and taken for granted, remember that your worth is not determined by how others make you feel. God sees and values your acts of service, even when they go unnoticed by others. Your love and sacrifice are seen by the Father, who rewards those who faithfully serve Him and His people.

It's important to shift our focus from seeking recognition from others to finding joy in serving God. Our motivation should come from an overflow of gratitude for what our Father has done for us. We serve not for the response from people, but as a reflection of our love for God.

In a world that values applause and recognition, let us be the ones who choose to be different. Let us be the ones who speak words of encouragement, bless others, and show gratitude when someone serves us. As the people of God, we should be the most faithful in showing appreciation because every good thing comes from the Father.

Jesus is our ultimate example of serving without seeking recognition. He healed ten lepers, but only one came back to thank Him. Yet, Jesus didn't let the lack of gratitude deter Him from His mission. He knew that His purpose was to reflect His love for God, not to seek the applause of people.

So, let us be the ones who choose to be that one who expresses gratitude, who speaks kind words, and who blesses others. Let us find joy in faithfulness, even when it goes unnoticed by others. What is unseen and unnoticed by people is often what is most significant to God.

God sees and rewards every good deed done in His name. He sees the sacrifices we make, the prayers we offer, and the love we show. Even if our spouse doesn't notice, our boss doesn't care, or our grandkids take us for granted, God sees. He sees it all.

Therefore, let us purify our hearts and find joy in serving God and serving others. Let us not be discouraged by the lack of recognition, but instead, let us find fulfillment in knowing that our Father sees and rewards what is done for His glory.

In conclusion , as members of the church, we may often feel unnoticed and unappreciated in our acts of service. However, it's important to remember that our worth is not determined by how others make us feel. God sees and values our every act of service, sacrifice, and love. He rewards those who faithfully serve Him and His people.

Instead of seeking recognition from others, let us find joy in serving God. Our motivation should come from an overflow of gratitude for what our Father has done for us. We serve as a reflection of our love for God, not for the applause of people.

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