The Lord's Prayer

The Lord's Prayer

In this past Sunday's message, we explored the profound impact of the Lord's Prayer on our lives and the world around us. The Lord's Prayer is not just a set of words to be recited mindlessly, but a powerful tool that can shape history and transform our hearts. Let's dive deeper into the significance of this prayer and how we can apply it to our lives.

A Prayer that Shapes History

The Lord's Prayer has been uttered by countless believers throughout history, from the early martyrs in the second century to the persecuted Christians in present-day China and Iran. It is a prayer that transcends time and place, uniting believers in their devotion to God. As theologian William H. Willimon puts it, "By praying The Lord's Prayer, we are being made into a people whose journey is assigned to the world."

Aligning Our Lives with God's Kingdom

When we pray the Lord's Prayer, we are declaring our allegiance to God's kingdom and surrendering our own desires and ambitions. It is a prayer that reorients our discipleship and teaches us how to pray. As Pastor Tim Keller explains, "It breaks off the vanity of trying to be our own kings and build our own kingdoms and gives us a defiant anthem of hope in spite of what we see."

The Lord's Prayer as a Test for Membership

Imagine if the Lord's Prayer became a test for membership in the church, just as the creeds have been. Imagine if we evaluated our lives based on the themes of the Lord's Prayer. Are we living with an orphan spirit or the spirit of adoption? Are we scrambling or trusting? Whose kingdom are we living for? These questions challenge us to align our lives with the prayer of Jesus and live as true disciples.

Living the Lord's Prayer

Praying the Lord's Prayer is not enough. We must align our lives with its principles and live as the answer to the prayer. It requires a commitment to discipleship and community life. As Pastor Tim Keller shares, "If you can just get a tipping point of people who shape their whole discipleship and prayer life and community life around being the answer to the prayer that Jesus gave us to pray, history will be shaped."

Praying Together to Spur One Another On

We need to pray the Lord's Prayer together, not just individually. By praying together, we spur one another on and remind each other of the importance of living out the prayer. It is a collective effort that can bring about significant change in our lives and in the world.


The Lord's Prayer is not just a set of words to be recited, but a powerful prayer that can shape history and transform our lives. Let us commit to praying this prayer with intention and aligning our lives with its principles. As we do so, we become part of the Divine assault upon the realm of evil and bring about the Kingdom of God on Earth. Let us be a people who live out the Lord's Prayer, not just in words, but in our actions and attitudes. Together, let us seek God's will, trust in His provision, forgive others, resist temptation, and fight against evil. As we do, we will see our lives and the world around us transformed by the power of this prayer.

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